Monday, June 16, 2014

WAY TO GO ... JUNE 16TH, 2016

WAY TO GO  … JUNE 16TH, 2014

Binding referendums and compulsory voting, would put us there,

But less than half of us vote and not interested in our affairs,

If we had medically assisted death we could avoid dying in pain,

Quebec has it already so they have no great reason to complain.

But we have appointed senators that stay till they're seventy five

No one knows why they were appointed of if they are still alive,

And we can't get rid of these senators unless they retire or die,

And no one knows for sure how this was arranged or why?

Recall would be good for all other stupid pompous politicians

So that we the people don't have to tolerate their stupid ambitions

But where do we find the man or woman to rewrite out constitution?

We could be compared to environmentalists so worried about pollution?

JUNE 16TH, 2014


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