Saturday, December 27, 2014

A GOOD OR A BAD OMEN ... DE 27TH, 2014

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A GOOD OR A BAD OMEN   …   DEC 27TH, 2014

I'm trying to figure out, which group of politicians is worse?
Is it the Ottawa crowd or the Toronto crowd, that are the curse?
Which could give us doctor assisted death but they both refuse?
Is it all hidden under the carpet so as not to confuse?

Our upper echelon, with titles, oppose doctor assisted death,
As if they themselves will never die or be on their last breath,
And death-with-dignity is religious stuff so cannot change,
Our politicians seem confused and refuse to rearrange.

Is there a hidden religious guy somewhere giving them instructions?
Can't mention his name or any of the hidden obstructions,
Therefore death with dignity is never mentioned in the open,
Is all this secretive stuff, a good or a bad omen?

DEC 27TH, 2014

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